

Doxygen plugin
( version 2.2 )

             Read the doxygen-support help file
See the Doxygen home page
         Of interest: C++-IDE c-support
Doxygen is a documentation system for C++, C, Java, Objective-C, IDL and to some extent PHP, C#, and D. Doxygen allows a variety of styles for special documentation blocks. There is also a great number of Doxygen commands which can be combined freely into comment blocks. For that reason it makes no sense to code these possibilities directly into a plugin. Therefor this plugin let you define a file with templates for Doxygen documentation blocks. This file will be read when Vim starts or by an explicit rebuild command. The template file will then be analyzed and a menu item will be created on the fly for each template found (gVim). In parallel an Ex command will be generated for each template. For the console version Vim only the Ex commands are available.

Vim / gVim menus and Ex commands created from a template file.
Template file
User defined macros and Doxygen templates.
The macros $YEAR$, $CURSOR$, $FILE$, and $DATE$ are predefined.
automatically generated
from the template file
Vim Ex commands
automatically generated
from the template file
# =============================================================
# ========== USER MACROS ======================================
# =============================================================
$AUTHOR$    = Dr. Fritz Mehner
$EMAIL$     =
$COMPANY$   = FH Südwestfalen, Iserlohn
$COPYRIGHT$ = Copyright (c) $YEAR$, $AUTHOR$
$sortmenus$ = no

$includefile$   = doxygen.cpp.templates

# =============================================================
# ========== USER TEMPLATES  /  C-STYLE =======================
# =============================================================
== block,long ==
== block,short ==
/** <CURSOR> */
== brief,detailed ==
 * @brief <CURSOR>
 * Detailed description starts here.
== class ==
 * @class $?CLASSNAME$
 * @brief <CURSOR>
== function ==
 * @brief   <CURSOR>
 * @param  
 * @return  
== FILE-header == start ==
 *       @file  $FILE$
 *      @brief  <CURSOR>
 * Detailed description starts here.
 *     @author  $AUTHOR$ ($AUTHORREF$), $EMAIL$
 *   @internal
 *     Created  $DATE$
 *    Revision  $Id$
 *    Compiler  gcc/g++
 *     Company  $COMPANY$
 *   Copyright  $COPYRIGHT$
 * This source code is released for free distribution under the terms of the
 * GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation.
 * =============================================================================

== brief-after-member == append ==
 /**< @brief <CURSOR> */
== formula-in-text == insert ==
 @f$ <CURSOR><SPLIT> @f$
== formula-separate == below ==
 *    @f[ <CURSOR> @f]
== formula-equarray == below ==
 * @f{equarray*}{<CURSOR>
 * @f}
== formula-environment == below ==
 * @f}
== note == below ==
 * @note <CURSOR>
== if-endif == below ==
 * @if $?condition:u$<CURSOR><SPLIT>
 * @endif
== latexonly == below ==
 * @latexonly<CURSOR><SPLIT>
 * @endlatexonly
== htmlonly == below ==
 * @htmlonly<CURSOR><SPLIT>
 * @endhtmlonly



The run menu

The run menu lets you generate the doxygen documentation. Doxygen has a lot of options. This plugin needs a doxygen config file. The best way to use it is to generate a doxygen config file in the directory containing the sources you want to document and to adapt it to your needs.
The templates can also be accessed from this menu.


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Page created: March 05 2011   /   Mail to: Fritz Mehner