vim-support.vim   –   Vim IDE  –   Screen Shots    


Vim plugin
root menu
( version 2.3 )

             Read the vim-support.vim help file

The key mappings of this plugin (PDF)

             Similar plugins:
Bash-IDE    bash-support
C/C++-IDE  c-support
LaTeX-IDE   latex-suppport
Lua-IDE       lua-support
NQC-IDE      nqc-support

Menu Structure

Submenus (1. level)

Submenus (2. level)

Generated Code

Menu Comments


Menu Comments : Different types of comments, file prolog, commenting and uncommenting of marked areas etc.

The menu entry file description generates a complete file prolog. File name and the date are looked up by the editor. The other informations (author name, ... ) are taken from the templates or the user input.

"          File:  newplugin.vim
"   Description:  
"   VIM Version:  7.0+
"        Author:  Dr. Fritz Mehner (fgm),
"  Organization:  FH Südwestfalen, Iserlohn
"       Version:  1.0
"       Created:  12.02.2012 11:06
"      Revision:  ---
"       License:  Copyright (c) 2012, Dr. Fritz Mehner

This header is generated from the template file below. This template file is created by the user; the macros are replaced when the file is read in.

== Comments.file description == start, map:ch ==
"          File:  |FILENAME|
"   Description:  <CURSOR>
"   VIM Version:  7.0+
"        Author:  |AUTHOR| (|AUTHORREF|), |EMAIL|
"  Organization:  |ORGANIZATION|
"       Version:  1.0
"       Created:  |DATE| |TIME|
"      Revision:  ---
"       License:  |COPYRIGHT|

The entry keyword comments -> todo generates a special end-of-line comment. These comments are easily located by their key words (e.g. :TODO: ). Date and author reference name are inserted by the editor.

 " :TODO:12.02.2012 11:19:fgm: 
These comments are not for the final version of a script, of course.


Menu Statements


Menu Statements : Vim statements and code snippet support

In normal and insert mode the entry for generates an empty for-loop. The cursor will be positioned between for and in. The jump targets <+LIST+> and <-LOOP_BODY-> can be reached with Ctrl-j. The will then be deleted and Vim goes into insert mode.

 for | in <+LIST+>

If the entry for is chosen for a marked block (visual mode) this block is surrounded by a foreach-loop:

if match( line, regex ) > -1
  let start = matchend( line, regex )
  let idx1  = 1 + match( line, '\s*".*$', start )

for | in <+LIST+>
  if match( line, regex ) > -1
    let start = matchend( line, regex )
    let idx1  = 1 + match( line, '\s*".*$', start )


Menu Idioms

Menu Idioms : Insert frequently used statements and code snippets

The entry subroutine asks for the name of the subroutine (here: sub1) and generates the following frame:

function! s:funct77 ()
endfunction    " ----------  end of function s:funct77  ----------


Menu Regex

Compose regular expressions with a few mouse clicks.


Menu Perl


Use the Perl API.

Menu Documentation

Insert items used in help files to obtain a consistent style and layout.

Menu Snippets


Menu Snippets : handle code snippets and templates

Read the help file for more informations about snippets.


Menu Run

Menu Run

A few helper functions. Find, edit, and reread templates.

Menu Help

Menu Help

Look up a word on Wiktionary or other sources.
Read Vim help or Vim-Support help.


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Page created: August 22 2014   /   Mail to: Fritz Mehner