*latexsupport.txt*           LATEX Support                         Feb 22 2007

LaTeX Support                                   *latex-support* *latexsupport*
                          Plugin version 1.10.1
                      for Vim version 6.0 and above
                     Fritz Mehner  <>

Write and run LaTeX programs using menus.

 1.    Usage                                           |latexsupport-usage-gvim|
 1.1    Menu 'Comments'                                |latexsupport-comm|
 1.1.1   Append aligned comments to consecutive lines  |latexsupport-comm-1|
 1.1.2   Code to comment                               |latexsupport-comm-2|
 1.1.3   Comment to code                               |latexsupport-comm-3|
 1.1.4   Frame comments, file header, ...              |latexsupport-comm-4|
 1.2    Menu 'LaTeX'                                   |latexsupport-latex|
 1.3    Menu 'Wizard'                                  |latexsupport-wizard|
 1.3.1   Menu 'Snippets'                               |latexsupport-snippets|
 1.4    Menu 'Run'                                     |latexsupport-run|
 1.4.1   Save and run                                  |latexsupport-run|
 1.4.2   Run bibtex                                    |latexsupport-bibtex|
 1.4.3   Run lacheck                                   |latexsupport-lacheck|
 1.4.4   Make clean                                    |latexsupport-clean|
 1.4.5   Settings                                      |latexsupport-settings|
 2.    Hotkeys                                         |latexsupport-hotkeys|
 3.    Customization and configuration                 |latexsupport-custom|
 3.1    Global variables                               |latexsupport-custom-1|
 4.    Template files and tags                         |latexsupport-templates|
 4.1    Template files                                 |latexsupport-templates|
 4.2    Tags                                           |latexsupport-tags|
 5.    Dictionaries                                    |latexsupport-dictionary|
 6.    Extend taglist.vim for LaTeX                    |latexsupport-taglist|
 7.    Syntax based folding                            |latexsupport-folding|
 8.    Release Notes                                   |latexsupport-release-notes|

       How to add this help file to Vim's help         |add-local-help|

1.  USAGE WITH GUI  (gVim)                           *latexsupport-usage-gvim*

If the gvim root menu entry 'LaTeX' is not visible call it with the entry
"Load LaTeX Support" from the standard Tools-menu.
The entry "Load LaTeX Support" can also be used to unload the LaTeX-root menu.

1.1 MENU 'Comments'                                        *latexsupport-comm*

1.1.1 APPEND ALIGNED COMMENTS TO CONSECUTIVE LINES       *latexsupport-comm-1*

In NORMAL MODE the menu entry
 'Line End Comm.'
will append "<Tab><Tab><Tab>%<Space>" to the current line.

In VISUAL MODE these entries will append aligned comments to all marked lines.
Marking and commenting the first 3 lines



  \lstset{stepnumber=0}     %
  \lstset{framesep=2mm}     %
  \lstset{linewidth=160mm}  %

The cursor will be positioned at the end of the first line.

1.1.2 CODE TO COMMENT                                    *latexsupport-comm-2*

A marked block


will be changed by the menu entry 'code->comment' into a multiline comment
(all (partially) marked lines):


1.1.3 COMMENT TO CODE                                    *latexsupport-comm-3*

If one or more commented lines are marked the entry 'comment->code' will

1.1.4 FRAME COMMENTS, FILE HEADER, ...                   *latexsupport-comm-4*

Frame comments and the file header comment are read as templates from the
appropriate files (see |latexsupport-templates|).

1.2  MENU 'LaTeX'                                         *latexsupport-latex*


An empty statement will be inserted. The entry 'environment->\figure{}' will
insert an empty figure environment, change into insert mode and set the cursor
at the beginning of the 2. line:




Many entries will set a marked region inside the chosen construct. The
highlighted area


will be changed to


by the entry 'environment->\figure{}' .

The entry '\ref' changes the marked text 'xxxxxx' in
  aaa xxxxxx bbbbbbbb
  aaa \ref{xxxxxx} bbbbbbbb

Some entries will double the marked text.  The entry '\index' changes the
marked text 'xxxxxx' in
  aaa xxxxxx bbbbbbbb
  aaa xxxxxx \index{xxxxxx}  bbbbbbbb

1.3  MENU 'Wizard'                                       *latexsupport-wizard*

1.3.1  CODE SNIPPETS                                   *latexsupport-snippets*

Code snippets are pieces of code which are kept in separate files in a special
directory (e.g. a few lines of code or a complete template for a Makefile).
File names are used to identify the snippets.  The snippet directory will be
created during the installation  ($HOME/.vim/latex-support/codesnippets is the
default).  Snippets are managed with the 3 entries

   LaTeX -> Snippets -> read  code snippet
   LaTeX -> Snippets -> write code snippet
   LaTeX -> Snippets -> edit  code snippet

from the Snippets submenu.

When nothing is marked, "write code snippet" will write the whole buffer
to a snippet file, otherwise the marked area will be written to a file.

Select the appropriate file from the snippet directory ("read  code snippet").
The inserted lines will be indented.

This is a normal edit.

1.4  MENU 'Run'                                             *latexsupport-run*


Save the current buffer and run it through latex. Errors and warnings will be
shown in a quickfix error window. You can navigate using quickfix commands
(see |quickfix|).

1.4.2  RUN bibtex                                        *latexsupport-bibtex*

Save the current buffer and run bibtex.

1.4.3  RUN lacheck                                      *latexsupport-lacheck*

Save the current buffer and run it through lacheck (consistency checker for
LaTeX documents). Errors and warnings will be shown in a quickfix error
window. You can navigate using quickfix commands (see |quickfix|).

1.4.4  MAKE CLEAN                                         *latexsupport-clean*

This will remove the files with the following extension from the current
working directory:

  aux  bbl  blg  brf  dvi  idx  ilg  ind
  lof  log  lol  lot  out  pdf  ps   toc

This list of extensions is the default. The list can be changed by setting the
global variable  g:LATEX_Files_Clean .

1.4.5  SETTINGS                                        *latexsupport-settings*

Show the actual settings (global variables, plugin tags, version).

2.  HOTKEYS                                             *latexsupport-hotkeys*

The following hotkeys are defined in normal, visual and insert mode:

   Alt-F9   call xdvi
  Ctrl-F9   compile with latex
 Shift-F9   rum make

The hotkeys are defined in the file type plugin  tex.vim .

Some insert mode hotkeys have a backtick (`) as their laeder.

  -- font style ---------------------------------------------------------
  \tb `tb     \textbf{}                       (normal, visual, insert)
  \tc `tc     \textsc{}                       (normal, visual, insert)
  \tf `tf     \textsf{}                       (normal, visual, insert)
  \ti `ti     \textit{}                       (normal, visual, insert)
  \tl `tl     \textsl{}                       (normal, visual, insert)
  \tn `tn     \textnormal{}                   (normal, visual, insert)
  \tt `tt     \texttt{}                       (normal, visual, insert)

  -- spacing ------------------------------------------------------------
  \np `np     \newpage                        (normal, insert)
  \nl `nl     \newline                        (normal, insert)
  \vs `vs     \vspace{0mm}                    (normal, insert)
  \hs `hs     \hspace{0mm}                    (normal, insert)

  -- listings -----------------------------------------------------------
  \li `li    \lstinline{}                     (normal, visual, insert)

  -- Run ----------------------------------------------------------------
  \rr     save buffer and run latex           (normal)
  \rd     view DVI                            (normal)
  \rp     view PDF                            (normal)
  \rs     view PS                             (normal)
  \ri     run makeindex                       (normal)
  \rb     run bibtex                          (normal)
  \rl     run lacheck                         (normal)
  \rm     run make                            (normal)
  \rc     run make clean                      (normal)
  \re     show plugin settings                (normal)

The hotkeys are defined in the file type plugin tex.vim (part of this package)
and described in the document latex-hot-keys.pdf

3.  CUSTOMIZATION                                        *latexsupport-custom*

3.1  GLOBAL VARIABLES                                  *latexsupport-custom-1*

Several global variables are checked by the script to customize it:

  GLOBAL VARIABLE             DEFAULT VALUE                    TAG (see below)

  g:LATEX_AuthorName          ""                               |AUTHOR|
  g:LATEX_AuthorRef           ""                               |AUTHORREF|
  g:LATEX_Email               ""                               |EMAIL|
  g:LATEX_Company             ""                               |COMPANY|
  g:LATEX_Project             ""                               |PROJECT|
  g:LATEX_CopyrightHolder     ""                               |COPYRIGHTHOLDER|

  g:LATEX_Template_Directory  $HOME."/.vim/latex-support/templates/"
  g:LATEX_File_Header         "tex-file-header"

  g:LATEX_CodeSnippets        $HOME."/.vim/latex-support/codesnippets/"
  g:LATEX_Dictionary_File     ""
  g:LATEX_LoadMenus           "yes"

  g:LATEX_File_Extension      "tex"
  g:LATEX_dvi_viewer          "xdvi"
  g:LATEX_ps_viewer           "gv"
  g:LATEX_pdf_viewer          "acroread"
  g:LATEX_bibtex              "bibtex"
  g:LATEX_Files_Clean         'aux bbl blg brf dvi idx ilg ind lof log lol lot out pdf ps toc'

1. group: Defines the text which will be inserted for the tags when a template
          is read in (see also |latexsupport-templates| below).

          g:LATEX_AuthorName         : author name
          g:LATEX_AuthorRef          : author reference (e.g. acronym)
          g:LATEX_Email              : email address
          g:LATEX_Company            : name of the company / institution
          g:LATEX_Project            : project
          g:LATEX_CopyrightHolder    : the copyright holder

2. group: g:LATEX_Template_Directory : Sets the template directory and the names of the
           ...                         template files (see |latexsupport-templates|).

3. group: g:LATEX_CodeSnippets       : The name of the code snippet directory
                                       (see |latexsupport-snippets|).
          g:LATEX_Dictionary_File    : The name(s) of the dictionary file(s) used for
                                       word completion (see also |latexsupport-dictionary|)
          g:LATEX_LoadMenus          : Load menus and mappings ("yes", "no") at startup.

4. group: g:LATEX_File_Extension     : File extension for latex files (default: tex).
          g:LATEX_dvi_viewer         : The standard dvi viewer (default: xdvi).
          g:LATEX_ps_viewer          : The standard Postscript viewer (default: gv).
          g:LATEX_pdf_viewer         : The standard PDF viewer (default: acroread).
          g:LATEX_bibtex             : The BibTeX program (default: bibtex).
          g:LATEX_Files_Clean        : List of file extensions for files to be deleted
                                       (see |latexsupport-run|).

To override the defaults add appropriate assignments to .vimrc .
Here are my settings as an example:

  let g:LATEX_AuthorName      = "Dr.-Ing. Fritz Mehner"
  let g:LATEX_AuthorRef       = "Mn"
  let g:LATEX_Email           = ""
  let g:LATEX_Company         = "FH Südwestfalen, Iserlohn"

4.  TEMPLATE FILES AND TAGS                           *latexsupport-templates*


Some menu entries generate comments or commented code. Four menu entries
generate block comments:

    Frame Comm. %%
    Frame Comm. ==
    Frame Comm. --
    File Prolog

The file prolog is inserted from a file:

| menu entry               | global variable           | file (distribution set)    |
| LaTeX-file header        | g:LATEX_File_Header       | tex-file-header            |
|                          |                           |                            |
| < future extensions >    |                           |                            |

The template files can be written or changed by the user to fulfill special
requirements (layout for a project or work group already exists,
file headers / blocks have to be prepared for a documentation tool, ... ).
They can hold not only comments but a complete file skeleton if this is
necessary. So you may want to lay out your own templates.

4.2  TAGS                                                  *latexsupport-tags*

The comments in these files do not have to be personalized but they can be.
The text can contain the following tags which are replaced by the appropriate
information when the file is read in:


Each tag can occur more than once. The tag |CURSOR| may appear only once.
The tag |CURSOR| will be the cursor position after the block is read in.
There is no need to use any of these tags, some or all can be missing.
The template files can actually be links pointing to existing templates.

5.  DICTIONARY                                       *latexsupport-dictionary*

The file


is a part of this plugin and can be used (together with your own lists) as
dictionary for automatic word completion. There is no default word list.  If
you want to use it with an additional list MyC.list put the following lines
into .vimrc :

  let g:Latex_Dictionary_File = $HOME."/.vim/latex-support/wordlists/german.list,".
            \                   $HOME."/.vim/latex-support/wordlists/MyC.list"

The right side is a comma separated list of files. Note the point at the end
of the first line (string concatenation) and the backslash in front of the
second line (continuation line).
You can use Vim's dictionary feature CTRL-X, CTRL-K (and CTRL-P, CTRL-N).

6.  EXTEND taglist.vim FOR LaTeX                        *latexsupport-taglist*

The use of the Vim plugin taglist.vim (Author: Yegappan Lakshmanan) is highly
recommended. It uses the program ctags which generates tag files for 3 dozen
languages (Exuberant Ctags, Darren Hiebert,
With the following extensions the structure of a LaTeX document, the entries
and strings in a BibTeX database and the list of targets in a makefile can be
shown in the taglist window.

1) Append the file customization.ctags to the file $HOME/.ctags .

2) Add the following lines (from customization.vimrc) to $HOME/.vimrc :

  " plugin taglist.vim : define the tag file entry for LaTeX
  " plugin taglist.vim : define the tag file entry for BibTeX
  " plugin taglist.vim : define the tag file entry for make
   noremap <silent> <F11>  <Esc><Esc>:Tlist<CR>
  inoremap <silent> <F11>  <Esc><Esc>:Tlist<CR>

  let tlist_bib_settings   = 'bib;a:BibTeX-Authors;e:BibTeX-Entries;t:BibTeX-Titles;s:BibTeX-Strings'
  let tlist_make_settings  = 'make;m:makros;t:targets'
  let tlist_tex_settings   = 'latex;s:Contents;g:Graphics;i:Listings;l:\label;r:\ref;p:\pageref;b:\bibitem'

3) restart vim/gvim

The two maps will toggle the taglist window (hotkey F11) in all editing modes.
The two assignments define the headings for the make sections in the taglist

7.  SYNTAX BASED FOLDING                                *latexsupport-folding*

The file latex-support/syntax/tex.vim contains the basic settings for syntax
based folding (see also |folding|). The Vim variable foldlevel is set to 999 :
  set foldlevel=999
i.e. folding starts at block nesting level 999 (i.e. at first there is
no folding at all).
This could be changed to an appropriate value, e.g. 5. Folding now would start
always at level 5.
The alternative is to keep the level 999 and start folding with the normal
mode command 'zM' (close all folds) and then open those folds needed.

To enable syntax based folding copy this file to $HOME/.vim/syntax/ .

8.  RELEASE NOTES                                 *latexsupport-release-notes*

See file README.latexsupport .


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